Thursday, February 11, 2010

Paint Splatter Background? Yowza!

This photo is small, but packs a punch.

"my mom made me wear this dress." (via)

I am struck by the delicate juxtaposition of the 80s modern paint splatter background (what kind of progressive freaky school did she go to?) and her formal dress-is it really a nightgown-type outfit.

Combine that with the gray carpeting she is leaning on, the lovely pose the photographer insisted on, and the hint of braces and you've got a made-me-wear-this spectacular!

I bet Bandana girl would be jealous of this set of clip-on earrings!

A NOTE: I will be leaving on holiday in about, well, about 4 hours. (Why do I always choose the early flights?) No posts for a week since I will be without e-mail, phone, fax, computer, television, DS, PS2, Computer gaming systems of any sort, Think Pad, I-Phone, or any other form of media outlet. (Can you imagine?)
I know you will all be sad without me, but chin up, I'll be back in action with some amazing items in just a week or so. In the meantime, send your own my parents made me wear this outfits to: myparentsmademewearthis @

And have a terrific week!

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